Thursday, February 3, 2011

What do you think??

  • What if you could save $300 - $500 a month in taxes next pay check!
  • What if you could spend $200 for groceries/gas one time to drastically reduce or eliminate your grocery/gas bills, would you want to know how?  
  • Do you think other people would too?

 If your anything like me your answer to both questions was YES!  That being said lets take a closer look at what I'm doing to get my gas and groceries for free and how you can too!
Thousands of people are literally wiping out their grocery and gasoline bills, and making extra cash, some of us, a lot of extra cash. I’d like to show you how to do the same thing!

MPB Today is affiliated with an innovative grocery home delivery service to create a way to eliminate the out-of-pocket expense of our grocery bill PLUS develop a major new income stream!
Our product is used by everyone… name-brand groceries! What better product could you represent?

It's free to join and your own company website is $10 per year (if desired). It takes only a $200 one-time grocery purchase or retail customer sale to qualify for commissions. If you choose to purchase, you may select your purchased groceries at your convenience from your MPB back-office.  (Watch a short Video Explanation) 

WHY MPB vs. other network marketing companies?

Sales Bonus & Cycle Commissions
Retail Sales Bonus – Earn $50 on any NEW personal RETAIL sales (people you introduce). 2 Sales needed to qualify you for Phase 1 compensation.
Cycle Commissions - Cycle Total - $300 ($200 Grocery credit OR $200 Walmart/Sams Club Card PLUS $100 Check). (Watch video on Compensation)

Feel free to check out the company website, you can view it here.

Please note, this does involve telling people about a great idea, so if that freaks you out, then this is obviously not for you!  We can only succeed if you do!  We can't wait to help you get started!
 If you were referred here by someone else please contact them immediately with your questions.

Chelli: (801)332-9672
Jared: (334)722-1227